Tatarstan is a region with a high volume of purchases from SME suppliers

19 February 2024, Monday

The volume of purchases of the largest customers from SMEs amounted to almost 8 trillion rubles by the end of 2023. This is a record value since the introduction of a mandatory quota for purchases from small and medium-sized businesses (its compliance is controlled by the SME Corporation and the regions). The increase in the volume of purchases from SMEs by 2022 amounted to 13.5%. In Tatarstan, the amount of purchases amounted to 192 billion rubles, which makes the republic one of the regions with a high volume of purchases from SME suppliers.

"The development of the procurement system and ensuring the participation of SME suppliers in them is one of the most important state support measures implemented within the framework of a specialized national project. The volume of goods and services supplied by small and medium-sized enterprises under Federal Law 223 is consistently growing. By the end of 2023, the record for the entire duration of the quota for purchases from SMEs was updated. Their total amount has reached almost 8 trillion rubles. At the same time, the task of increasing the number of entrepreneurs using purchases as one of the sales markets is being solved. Over the year, their number has grown to 213 thousand," stressed Andrey Belousov.

"Four of the five contracts of the largest customers in 2023 were concluded with SME suppliers. There is a trend towards increasing purchases of industrial products from small and medium-sized businesses. State-owned companies are actively engaged in import substitution in order not to depend on European and American suppliers of equipment and parts for them. Thus, in the total volume of purchases from SMEs, about 4.3 trillion rubles were taken by industrial products," said Alexander Isaevich, CEO of SME Corporation.

Russian Railways, Aeroflot, Rostelecom, and Rosseti have become the leading companies among the largest customers in terms of purchases from small and medium-sized businesses.

The largest volumes of purchases were for manufacturing products (2.45 trillion rubles), structures and construction works (1.9 trillion), services related to scientific, engineering, technical and professional activities (401 billion rubles).


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