State support for agricultural producers: On February 1, the acceptance of applications for compensation of part of the certification costs starts

15 February 2024, Thursday

On February 1, the first acceptance of applications for participation in the state support program aimed at compensating part of the costs associated with the certification of agro-industrial complex products in foreign markets opens. The application process will take place through the My Export digital platform.

The support program is aimed at reducing the cost of manufacturers to certify their products for foreign markets. The state support measure allows you to reimburse from 50 to 90 percent of the costs incurred for the certification of products, the certification and delivery of which was carried out no earlier than one year before the date of application. At the same time, the cost of exported products must exceed the amount of requested support by at least five times.

"The program is a significant step in supporting domestic producers seeking to expand their presence in the global agricultural market. It helps to strengthen the export potential of Russian agro-industrial products. This support measure is one of the most popular on the My Export platform. So, in 2023, more than a hundred unique exporters were supported, and the volume of supported exports exceeded 414 billion rubles," said Alexey Solodov, Vice President of the Russian Export Center (VEB.RF).

State support is intended to cover the costs of:

- assessment of compliance of agricultural products with international standards;

- veterinary, sanitary and phytosanitary procedures;

- transportation, storage and disposal of test samples;

- voluntary certification, including obtaining Halal and Kosher certificates.

The support extends to a wide range of agricultural products, including the fat and oil industry, cereals, fish and seafood, meat and dairy products, as well as products of the food and processing industry. The list was approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

Legal entities registered in the Russian Federation, regardless of their organizational and legal form, have the right to receive support. To participate, you must provide documents confirming compliance with the rules for providing state support, including contracts for the provision of services, details of certificates, scanned copies of foreign trade contracts, acts of completed work and payment orders.

The selection of applications will be carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation until February 29, 2024 (inclusive). This support measure will be an important incentive for the growth of the export potential of the Russian agro-industrial complex and strengthening its position in the global agricultural market.

If you have any additional questions, please contact the experts:

Maria Shirokikh: +7 (495) 937-47-47 (ext. 2237);;

Olga Dyukareva: +7 (495) 937-47-47 (ext. 1286); .


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