More than 1 thousand users from Tatarstan chose a new service for the selection of state property on the Digital platform SME.RF

14 February 2024, Wednesday

In total, the number of users of the Property for Business service in Russia exceeded 7 thousand in the first three weeks of its operation – these are legal entities, sole proprietors, and the self-employed. The new service helps to select real estate of all levels of ownership in real time from the personal account of the platform, get full information about it, get acquainted with the technical and title documentation, contact the copyright holder, take part in the auction. 

"One of the questions that entrepreneurs ask us, including at meetings in the regions, is where to find a room, a land plot for business. We receive such requests to clarify the procedure for property support, to advise, to suggest possible preferential conditions all the time. To solve this problem, we have created the Property for Business service," said Alexander Isaevich, CEO of SME Corporation. He also added that currently there are more than 50 thousand vacant sites throughout the country.

Previously, information about free property in electronic form could only be obtained at the MPSC or by ordering an extract through Gosuslugi. 

Tatarstan entered the top ten in terms of the number of users of the service - 1036 entrepreneurs of the republic turned to the tools of the service.  

In addition to individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, the self-employed can also use the service. When activating the appropriate filter, you can access real estate from special lists and take advantage of property support provided by public authorities and local governments. In this case, state or municipal property is transferred to ownership and (or) use on a reimbursable, gratuitous basis or on preferential terms.  

The property included in the lists is provided to SMEs and self–employed citizens for a period of at least 5 years, on preferential terms determined by the owner of the property (as a rule, a preferential rental rate), without bidding - if the preference is established by a state or municipal program (subprogram).

An SME that rents movable and (or) immovable property may exercise the pre-emptive right to buy it out.

Let us recall, the digital platform of SME.RF was developed by the SME Corporation and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation to increase the availability of services and support measures for small and medium-sized businesses. It was created and is developing in accordance with the national project "Small and medium-sized enterprises", which was initiated by the President Vladimir Putin, and the implementation is overseen by the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Andrey Belousov


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