Tatarstan is recognized as one of the best regions for the start of export activities

8 February 2024, Thursday

The Russian Export Center summed up the results of the work of regional export support centers in 2023 and identified the regions where the best conditions for the start of export activities have been created. The Republic of Tatarstan entered the TOP 10. 

The ESC rating was presented during the All-Russian Export Support Infrastructure Conference in Saransk, the REC reports. Special attention is paid to the rating, as it evaluates the efforts of regional authorities and export support centers to create favorable conditions for the development of exports of small and medium-sized businesses.

Tatarstan pays special attention to the development of the export potential of companies. The Republic and the federal center provide about 50 different support measures to novice and existing exporters. Comprehensive support allows companies to eliminate or significantly reduce their own costs, as well as receive expert support on various issues of working in foreign markets. The support is implemented within the framework of two national projects "Small and medium-sized enterprises" and "International cooperation and Export".

In 2023, the Export Support Center of the Entrepreneurship Support Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan organized the participation of more than 70 companies of the republic in 29 international exhibitions in Russia and abroad, held more than 150 educational and informational events - webinars, seminars, round tables, acceleration programs.

"In 2023, as part of the implementation of national projects, the Republican Export Support Center provided more than 3,000 services to entrepreneurs. Comprehensive support brings results – the number of exporters is growing annually, last year the Center exported 79 entrepreneurs," said Albina Gergert, head of the Export Support Center in Tatarstan. 

Let us recall that the programs for the development and creation of favorable conditions for export activities are implemented within the framework of the national projects "International Cooperation and Export" and "Small and medium-sized Enterprises", created by decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

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