24.5 thousand online applications for services and support measures were received from Tatarstan businesses

7 February 2024, Wednesday

The SME Corporation summed up the two-year results of the SME.RF digital platform, the creation and development of which is provided for by the national project "Small and medium-sized enterprises".

Over the two years of the platform's operation, entrepreneurs have accessed its services and products more than 4 million times, including more than 2.9 million times in 2023. At the same time, the frequency of using the services by one user has increased by more than 30% over the past year. This was announced by the First Deputy Chairman of the GovernmentAndrey Belousov.

"Two years ago, Tatarstan was one of the first regions of the country where the services and facilities of the SME.RF Digital Platform became available to entrepreneurs. Today, the platform acts as a business assistant and provides every entrepreneur with the opportunity to remotely and transparently select and receive the necessary support measures. This is a convenient and in-demand resource for the business of the republic - in two years the number of applications received on the platform from Tatarstan entrepreneurs has exceeded 24.5 thousand," said Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Midhat Shagiakhmetov.

Among the main results of the work of the SME.RF Digital platform in two years, the Russian Federation has moved from a declarative procedure to a proactive targeted selection of support measures and services. It allows, among other things, to prioritize suitable measures for the user, propose them individually and provide a list of stop factors that prevent receiving support at the moment.

"The targeted selection of measures is based on a digital profile launched on SME.RF in December 2022. Since then, the profile data has been used more than 150 thousand times to receive services and support measures through a Digital Platform. Over 14 thousand entrepreneurs have used the profile functionality," said Alexander Isaevich, CEO of SME Corporation. — The services, tools and content of the Digital Platform are constantly being improved. To do this, we use business feedback, including the results of annual testing of services together with users of SME.RF."

For 2023 among SME.RF has doubled the number of self-employed, and legal entities and sole proprietors - by more than 70%. As before, the greatest interest in the Digital Platform is shown by entrepreneurs engaged in trade. In second place is the business of manufacturing industries, the number of its representatives in SME.RF has increased by 1.7 times. 

Businesses from all 89 regions have access to SME.RF has over a thousand regional support measures and more than 30 services.

More than a quarter of the platform's users come from five regions: Moscow, the Republic of Tatarstan, the Moscow Region, St. Petersburg and the Sverdlovsk Region. In Tatarstan, the number of registered users has exceeded 31.5 thousand.

Let us recall that the digital platform for small and medium-sized businesses was developed by the SME Corporation and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Among its tasks is to increase the availability of services and support measures for small and medium-sized businesses. The creation and development of the Digital Platform is provided for by the national project "Small and Medium-sized Enterprises". It was initiated by the President Vladimir Putin, oversees the implementation of the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Andrey Belousov.


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