Saria Sirazieva spoke about the results of the implementation of the national project "Demography"

5 February 2024, Monday

Today, as part of the work of the public reception rooms of the United Russia Party, Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Saria Sirazieva spoke about the results and plans for the implementation of the national Demography project for 5 regional projects:  "The older generation", "Financial support for families at the birth of children", "Employment promotion", "Strengthening public health", "Sport is the norm of life". 

The meeting on social support was chaired by a member of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Family, Women and Children – Deputy Tatiana Larionova with the participation of deputies of all levels, representatives of relevant ministries and departments.

In his report Saria Sirazieva noted that in 2024, a funding limit of 25.5 billion rubles has been allocated for the implementation of national project activities, of which 14.1 billion rubles from the federal budget and 11.4 billion rubles from the republican budget.

With the allocated funds, it is planned to continue the construction of 283 socially significant facilities, as well as the purchase of equipment to improve the material and technical base of educational, health and cultural institutions, support measures for families and entrepreneurs, the development of tourism and digitalization activities.

In 2024, a funding limit of 2.4 billion rubles is planned for the implementation of the national Demography project, with the bulk of these funds in the amount of 2.2 billion rubles allocated from the budget of the Republic of Tatarstan additionally.

Fixed assets in the amount of 2.2 billion rubles are planned to be allocated for the implementation of the regional project "Financial support for families at the birth of children."

It is planned to allocate 88 million rubles for the creation of a system of long-term care for elderly citizens, as well as support and care for the older generation within the framework of the regional project "The Older Generation".

49.3 million rubles are provided for carrying out activities within the framework of the regional project "Employment Promotion" on the organization of vocational training and retraining, reducing tension in the labor market and improving the efficiency of the employment service.

Within the framework of the regional project "Sport is the norm of life", a funding limit of 63 million rubles is planned in 2024.

The allocated funds are planned to be used for the implementation of measures for the purchase of equipment and equipment for sports schools and schools of the Olympic reserve of Tatarstan in order to educate the younger generation and promote a healthy lifestyle. 

The national projects implemented in Tatarstan are aimed at improving the quality of life of every citizen of the republic and obtaining new opportunities for self-realization.

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