Midhat Shagiakhmetov fulfilled a child's dream as part of the "Wish Tree" campaign

9 January 2024, Tuesday

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Midkhat Shagiakhmetov took part in the volunteer New Year's "Wish Tree" campaign.

Midhat Shagiakhmetov fulfilled the New Year's dream of eight-year-old Ilya Krasilnikov, who wished for a drawing tablet as a gift. The child's dream has come true. The boy was also given a sweet New Year's gift.

The charitable volunteer campaign "Wish Tree" has been held in the republic on New Year's holidays since 2018. Its participants are children with serious illnesses, orphans, children from families with incomes below the subsistence level.

New Year's dreams are collected on a special website (елкажеланий.рф) from all who wish and who fall under the criteria of the project.

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