SEZ of Tatarstan - leaders of the rating of special economic zones of the country

19 December 2023, Tuesday

The SEZs of Tatarstan have once again confirmed their effectiveness, maintaining the leading positions in the rating of investment attractiveness of the country's special economic zones.

Today, Vitaly Altabaev, Director of the Regional Development Department of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, spoke about the results of the activities of special economic zones of Russia and the assessment of their effectiveness as part of the presentation of the VII National Rating of Special Economic Zones together with the Association of Clusters, Technoparks and SEZS of Russia (AKIT RF). Among the industrial-production SEZS, the Elabuga SEZ took the first place in the country. The Innopolis SEZ has become one of the three leaders among special economic zones of a technical and innovative type.

"We extend all state support measures to the SEZ mechanism. We will provide special support to the initiatives of the formation of tourist clusters in the SEZ, we will support them through the national tourism project. We are actively working with the regions to ensure that all possibilities are used for infrastructure development, including the restructuring of budget loans, infrastructure budget loans and special treasury loans. Recently, a simplified transition to tax monitoring has been introduced, which allows for digitalization of accounting, online support by the tax service and double-accelerated VAT refund," Vitaly Altabaev noted.

According to him, the SEZs continue to demonstrate steady positive dynamics. This year, the SEZ mechanism turned 18 years old. In 2023 alone, 177 new residents came to the SEZ, an absolute record for all years - this is 36 more than in 2022 and 20 more than in 2021. This year, annual private investment figures doubled – 339 billion rubles in 3 quarters, when there were 197 billion rubles for the whole of last year, and for 2021, 150 billion rubles. At the moment, over 1 trillion rubles of private investments have been made, and at least 5 trillion rubles more are planned. More than 66 thousand jobs have been created in the SEZ. The multiplier contribution of the SEZ to GDP over the past year is estimated at 888 billion rubles. It is important that by the end of 2022, the state has recouped all the costs incurred for the SEZ and today the accumulated positive effect on the budget is estimated at more than 55 billion rubles.

The Regional Investment Standard introduced in the republic helps to attract new residents of special economic zones and create conditions for their effective activity. All five elements of the Regional investment standard are aimed at supporting and guiding investment projects. 


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