Tatarstan entrepreneurs present their products at the exhibition-fair of folk arts and crafts of Russia

7 December 2023, Thursday

On December 13-17, Moscow will host the exhibition and fair of folk arts and crafts of Russia "Ladya. Winter's Tale – 2023". More than a thousand craftsmen and artisans from all over the country will be able to take part in the event, thanks to the tools of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship", supervised by First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov.

"Entrepreneurs and the self-employed who are engaged in folk arts and crafts are often limited in the possibilities of promoting their products: there are not enough financial and organizational resources. However, this year, with state support, it became possible to co-finance the participation of more than a thousand entrepreneurs and the self-employed at the Ladya exhibition. Thanks to this, they have the opportunity to organize their own retail outlets, 46 regional expositions – Voronezh and Kaliningrad regions, the Republics of Crimea and Tatarstan, Novosibirsk and Chelyabinsk regions, the Chuvash Republic and other regions," said the Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Tatyana Ilyushnikova.

The Tatarstan Center "My Business" with the support of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan will present a collective stand of products of craftsmen and artisans. 

The companies "Caravan of gifts", "PKF "Present", "Great Silk Road" present souvenir and gift products.

Galiullin Nail, a social entrepreneur from Kazan, will present Tatar slippers with national patterns of his own production from natural materials.  

The Alekseevskaya Art Weaving Factory will bring hand-woven products with elements of Tatar ornaments to the exhibition.

Dmitry Zdornov, a social entrepreneur, exhibits handmade shoes made of natural materials at the collective stand. The shoe style line is based on traditional felting and filleting.

This year's exhibition program is full of business events. Industry professionals will discuss current mechanisms for supporting fishing enterprises, legal support for the industry, and methods of product promotion.

The organizer of the exhibition is the Association "Folk Arts and Crafts of Russia", the co–organizers of the exhibition are EXPOCENTRE JSC and the Russian Cultural Foundation. The exhibition is organized with the support of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and the National Project "Small and Medium-sized Enterprises".

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