The number of entrepreneurs in Tatarstan has increased by 3% this year

23 November 2023, Thursday

There are 170.4 thousand small and medium–sized businesses in Tatarstan, First Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan - Director of the Department of Entrepreneurship Development Natalia Kondratova said, speaking at a press conference at the Tatar-Inform news agency dedicated to the implementation of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship". 

The growth rate by the beginning of the year is 3% or 5.5 thousand units. The number of people employed in the SME sector is about 827.3 thousand people, which is more than 40% of those employed in the region's economy.

"Conditions for the development of small and medium-sized businesses are being created in the Republic of Tatarstan today, which makes a significant contribution to the economy of the republic and creates new jobs. Entrepreneurs need to maximize the use of a set of financial and non-financial federal and republican support measures for business development," Natalia Kondratova stressed. 

The package of business support measures includes both federal financial support measures in the form of preferential loans and subsidies, and republican measures in the form of preferential microloans, guarantees, leasing of equipment and special equipment, grant support for young and social entrepreneurs, subsidies and tax preferences for residents of industrial parks, including decent infrastructure for the placement of production facilities on the territory industrial parks of the republic, as well as a wide range of non-financial support measures in the form of exhibition and fair events, assistance in entering marketplaces, acceleration programs and others.

To date, the implementation of all these support programs has made it possible to support small and medium-sized businesses by 60.3 billion rubles, including federal programs by 52.8 billion rubles, republican programs by 7.5 billion rubles.

Entrepreneurs can always contact the hotline of the My Business Center, where they will receive qualified answers to all questions, learn about current support measures.  

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