Tatarstan entrepreneurs have become the heroes of the new edition of the program "Portrait of the region" on the RBC TV channel

17 November 2023, Friday

On Saturday, November 18, a new edition of the program "Portrait of the Region" will be released on the RBC TV channel. Viewers will be able to get acquainted with Tatarstan and its capital, where the international multisport digital tournament "Games of the Future - 2024" will be held in February.

The program will tell about whether the region is ready to receive guests from all over the world, what has changed in the republic in recent years thanks to national projects and how infrastructure modernization and road construction contribute to the development of the business environment in Tatarstan.

The program, among other things, will present a developed sports infrastructure, thanks to which the city has become an ideal place for a digital game, it will also focus on large-scale road construction. The audience will be told about the Vostok expressway, which will take 6.5 hours to get from Moscow to the capital of Tatarstan. It is being built, we recall, under the national project "Modernization of transport infrastructure". It is expected that the work will be completed by December.

Host of the program Ignat Bushukhin will take a look at the Digital Games, which are held on the eve of the main tournament – the "Games of the Future – 2024", and find out how the organizers manage to combine the digital and real worlds.

In addition to the sports movement, the business environment is actively developing in Tatarstan. RBC will introduce the audience to entrepreneurs who have opened their own business in the region and received support from the national project "Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship".

What other business conditions are in place in the region and what helps Tatarstan develop so quickly - you will find out in the new issue of the "Portrait of the region" on RBC on November 18 at 9.40, as well as on November 23 at 15.40.

The decree on holding the "Games of the Future" in Kazan was signed by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. The Head of State also invited athletes and young people from around the world to take part in competitions.

At the meeting of the organizing committee of the tournament, the Head of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov said that the republic is ready to host the "Games of the Future" and hold events at a high organizational level.


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