A seminar on customs regulation of exports will be held in Kazan

16 November 2023, Thursday

The Export Support Center will hold a final seminar within the framework of the Export School program of the Russian Export Center and the National Project "Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship". It will be the sixth event and will be dedicated to customs regulation. The seminar starts on November 23 at 10:00.

The seminar will consider the issues of preparation for the declaration of products in the customs authorities and the main customs operations, such as: 

- choice of customs procedure,

- determination of the FEACN and the country of origin of the goods;

- calculation of the customs value of exported products; 

- collection of permits for the subsequent declaration of goods;

- payment of customs duties and fees;

- interaction with customs control authorities for the clearance of exported goods and protection of the rights of the exporter from illegal decisions or inaction of customs officials.

Participation in the seminar is free of charge. As a result, certificates of completion of training will be awarded. Venue: Kazan, Petersburgskaya st, 28, the site of the Center "My business", 3rd floor.

Registration for the event is available through the SME.RF in the section "Regional support measures" - "Get support", then you need to select the service "Registration for participation in seminars for exporters"), and you can also sign up in the full-time training calendar on the website https://exportedu.ru/events/4913 .

We remind you that you can apply for services on the Digital platform "My Export", developed under the national project "International Cooperation and Export".

You can get additional information about support measures by calling the hotline number of the My Business Center of the Republic of Tatarstan: 8(843) 524-90-90.


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