In 9 months, Tatarstan entrepreneurs have received financial support in the amount of almost a billion rubles

8 November 2023, Wednesday

The organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Economy – the Entrepreneurship Support Fund and the Guarantee Fund - are implementing comprehensive financial and guarantee and information and consulting support for small and medium-sized businesses at all stages of development. Entrepreneurs and the self-employed are provided with microloans at a preferential rate, guarantees, grants, non-financial services, including for export-oriented SMEs within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship".

According to the results of 9 months of this year, the Entrepreneurship Support Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan provided financial support to 403 entrepreneurs in the amount of 992.2 million rubles, 62 self-employed issued microloans in the amount of 13.3 million rubles in the Microfinance Center.

The My Business Center has provided more than 25 thousand services to SMEs, self-employed citizens and individuals (participation in exhibition and fair events, reporting, certification, access to marketplaces, product promotion, training events, etc.). More than 2,000 people, 700 of whom are SMEs, have been trained in the training programs of the SME Corporation.

For 9 months of 2023, 1741 entrepreneurs of Tatarstan used the services of the regional export support center, 57 entrepreneurs signed export contracts worth $ 18.73 million US dollars.

Also, with the support of the Center for Social Innovation, 189 SMEs were included in the register of social entrepreneurs. Social enterprises have been trained, which gives them the opportunity to apply for a grant for social entrepreneurs.

Since the beginning of 2023, the Guarantee Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan has helped entrepreneurs to attract 12.9 billion rubles of debt financing by providing 878 guarantees totaling 5.4 billion rubles.

Tatarstan entrepreneurs have attracted more than 50 billion rubles under federal programs since the beginning of the year. According to republican support measures, 6.7 billion rubles were allocated to support small and medium-sized businesses.

It is worth noting that currently in Tatarstan the number of people employed in the field of small and medium-sized businesses, including individual entrepreneurs and self-employed citizens, is 827.3 thousand people.  168.3 thousand entrepreneurs are registered in Tatarstan, 293 thousand people are registered as self-employed.

For support of SMEs and receiving free services from the "My Business" of the Entrepreneurship Support Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan, entrepreneurs can contact the Center's hotline at +7(843)524-90-90.

National projects are being implemented in the country on the initiative and on instruction of Russian President Vladimir Putin.


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