Tatarstan has extended the acceptance of applications for participation in the All-Russian competition "My good business"

18 October 2023, Wednesday

The application campaign for the regional stage is accepted by the My Business Center until November 3. Social entrepreneurs of the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as socially oriented NGOs are invited to participate.

The competition is held in eight categories:
• The best project in the field of support and rehabilitation of people with disabilities;
• The best project in the field of social services;
• The best project in the field of additional education and upbringing of children;
• The best project in the cultural and educational sphere;
• The best project in the field of healthy lifestyle, physical culture and sports;
•    The best project in the field of social tourism;
•    The best project in the field of development of technical means of rehabilitation and IT technologies aimed at solving social problems of society;
• The best project in the field of employment, socially active activity of persons in need of social support.
•    There are also special nominations: "Social project without borders" from JSC "Russian Export Center" and "The best social project of the year in the field of preservation and development of folk arts and crafts" from the Association "Folk Arts and Crafts of Russia".

The competition is aimed at finding, identifying and popularizing the best projects and practices of social entrepreneurship entities and SONKO aimed at achieving socially useful goals.

You can find out more information and submit an application on the website / and in the "My Business" Center, where special competencies for the development of social entrepreneurship have been formed.

Regional representative of the Competition: Mikhail Untura, Head of the Center for Innovation in the Social Sphere (CISS) of the Entrepreneurship Support Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan, phone: +7 (843) 222-90-60 (ext. 118, 124), e-mail: .

The organizer of the event is the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the federal operator of the competition is the State University of Management.

It should be recalled that support for social entrepreneurs in Tatarstan is being implemented within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship". The curator of the national project is the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Andrey Belousov

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