Young entrepreneurs of Tatarstan will present their projects to experts

15 October 2023, Sunday

As part of the implementation of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship", the My Business Center will host a session within the framework of the All-Russian competition "YOUR BUSINESS. Young entrepreneur of Russia".

On October 15, young entrepreneurs of the Republic of Tatarstan will have the opportunity to design their own business, attend master classes from experts on topical topics related to creating and running a business. In addition, entrepreneurs will be able to take part in a business game and in the framework of the All-Russian competition "YOUR BUSINESS. Young entrepreneur of Russia" to present a business idea.

The event will take place on October 15 at 10.00 in the Center "My Business" at the address: Petersburgskaya st, 28, 3rd floor.

The contest participants will have the opportunity to present their business ideas in 11 nominations:

1. "Social benefit"

2. "Innovative and technological entrepreneurship"

3. "Classical entrepreneurship"

4. "International Business"

5. "Media Business"

6. "Production"

7. "Agribusiness"

8. "Creative business"

9. "Self-employed"

10. "Environmental entrepreneurship"

11. "Women's business"

The organizers of the event told about the format of the defense - one participant is selected from each nomination, 3 minutes are given for a speech to briefly present an idea. In the course of your story, it is important to answer such questions as: what is the idea, who is the target audience, how the idea is planned to be implemented, how funds will be raised, how risks and problems are supposed to be assessed.

After each performance, participants will receive feedback from experts.  You can apply for a presentation of a business idea at the registration stage at the event itself.

To participate in the event, you must submit an application on the SME.RF Digital Platform in the section "Regional support measures", the service "Registration for training events held by the Center "My Business", course: "10/15/2023 - Face-to-face event within the Semi-finals of the All-Russian competition "YOUR BUSINESS. Young Entrepreneur of Russia" - Kazan, Petersburgskaya st, 28, 3rd floor, Alafuzov Hall. In person from 9.00 to 18.00".

It should be recalled that the support of young entrepreneurs in the Republic of Tatarstan is implemented by the My Business Center, subordinate to the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative", which was initiated by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.


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