Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Economy of Tatarstan Midhat Shagiakhmetov congratulated entrepreneurs on the Day of Russian Entrepreneurship

26 May 2023, Friday

Today in Kazan, on the site near the Galiaskar Kamal Theater, a fair for the self-employed "I am Tatarstan" from the Center "My Business" under the national project "Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship" was held, where Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan-Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Midhat Shagiakhmetov congratulated entrepreneurs on their professional holiday. The Minister noted that the Day of Russian Entrepreneurship has traditionally become a holiday uniting entrepreneurs and the self-employed of our republic.

"Entrepreneurial activity is the driving force of Tatarstan's economic development, contributes to the creation of new jobs, improving people's living standards and increasing the competitiveness of republican products. Despite the difficult economic situation, the number of entrepreneurs in the Republic of Tatarstan is growing, today about 170 thousand small and medium-sized businesses and more than 260 thousand self-employed citizens operate in the republic, where about 40% of the employed population of the republic works. Business in Tatarstan is steadily developing. This is, first of all, the merit of the entrepreneurs themselves – initiative, purposeful and responsible people," he stressed.

The Minister noted that consistent work is also being carried out on the part of state bodies in Tatarstan to create favorable conditions for the development of entrepreneurial initiatives. A set of federal and republican support measures is being implemented, legislation is being improved, and the production infrastructure is expanding.

"Today the world is on the verge of global changes. We can only respond to this challenge through joint efforts. I am confident that the joint work of representatives of the business community and the state authorities will continue to contribute to improving the competitiveness of Tatarstan and will give an additional impetus to the development of the republic's economy. I wish you success in your work, creative energy and well-being! Happy holiday!", the minister added.

The minister also launched the business game "You are an entrepreneur" with a cash prize of 100 thousand rubles, everyone could take part in the educational quest. The fair will continue to work for three days – from May 26 to May 28. The open-air exhibition and sale presents the products of over 80 exhibitors from all over the republic – from carpentry workshops to interior decorations and farm products. A special feature of the exhibition were products with a national flavor: jewelry, bags, clothes and sweets. The food court area with drinks and dishes of Tatar and street cuisine is presented separately.

Presenters, DJs and artists will work at the Galiaskar Kamal Theater all the holidays. They will hold contests, lotteries, quizzes for the guests of the holiday. Performances of creative collectives and musicians of the republic are also planned.   

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