The Director General of the Agency for State Procurement of the Republic of Tatarstan held a number of meetings with the teaching staff and students of the Kazan Energy University

27 March 2023, Monday

A number of meetings were held between the Director General of the Agency for State Order of the Republic of Tatarstan, Yakov Veniaminovich Geller, with the teaching staff and students of the Kazan State Energy University.

The meeting was initiated by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan.

– The topic of development and support of small and medium-sized businesses is currently particularly important, taking into account sanctions restrictions, and in the future we plan to continue cooperation in the field of education on the effective use of tools for the uninterrupted sale of products of our entrepreneurs, – said the head of the Competition Development Department of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Ilyas Galimov.                                                 

– Yakov Veniaminovich accepted the offer of the Ministry of Economy to hold lectures and talk about the work of the Republican Marketing Center. I am sure that Kazan students will be interested in this topic.

The presentations were devoted to the access of small and medium-sized businesses to procurement using the resources of the Republican Marketing Center. Yakov Veniaminovich told the audience about the "Import Substitution Center" created on the basis of the RMC a year ago, noted the demand for this resource both within the republic and abroad, highlighted the main directions of its work and key tasks. 

Thus, the mechanism of the "Import Substitution Center" allows collecting information about import-substituting products produced in the country, providing assistance to customers whose activities depended on the import of components, goods, raw materials and equipment in search of replacement products.

In addition, the resource contains proposals for small and medium-sized businesses that allow them to master the production of demanded products.

The resource consists of two sections.

The first one – the "Register of previously purchased products" – allows manufacturers and sellers to analyze information about the production of similar import-substituting products. Today the register contains about 153.8 thousand nomenclature items.

The second one is "Replacement Proposals". The section consolidates the offers of manufacturers and sellers to replace foreign goods and components with Russian-made goods. It includes over 163.6 thousand positions.

The resource "Import Substitution Center" is freely available on the website of the RMC:

The State Order Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan, together with the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, has introduced a mode of conducting free training seminars 2 times a week for customers and suppliers. Links to the training are posted on the website: / in the "Webinars" section.

In the speech Yakov Veniaminovich told the audience in detail about the work of the electronic trading platforms of the RMC. He noted the features of their functionality, and also stressed the importance of such components of the RMC as informing and training entrepreneurs. Thus, an online university is built into the RMC, where lectures by the best specialists are hosted, and the section "Individual Training" functions. 

At the end of the meetings, the Director General of the Agency for State Procurement of the Republic of Tatarstan, Ya.V. Geller, announced the statistics of the work of the RMC portal: by the end of 2022, about 4.4 thousand republican suppliers- SMEs with the help of the resources of the RMC received revenue of over 193 billion rubles, this year the revenue of suppliers amounted to more than 27 billion rubles. 

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