The government exempted most enterprises from scheduled inspections in 2023

3 October 2022, Monday

The control authorities will include in the plans of inspections only those facilities whose activities are associated with extremely high and high risks, hazardous production facilities of II hazard class, hydraulic structures of II class. The corresponding decree of the Government of the Russian Federation was signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. The document was prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development in pursuance of the instructions of the President following the results of the SPIEF to establish restrictions in 2023 on inspections.

“We will continue to reduce excessive control. But already due to the development of a risk-based approach - when the frequency of control directly depends on the risk level of the object. 70% of control objects are classified as low risk, and these are usually objects belonging to small and medium-sized enterprises. That is, they are not routinely checked at all,” said the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Maxim Reshetnikov, speaking at the “Government Hour” in the State Duma on Wednesday, September 28.

Thus, scheduled inspections in 2023 will not be carried out for most facilities. When enterprises will be checked, whose activities are associated with high risks for citizens, for example, those working with hazardous chemicals, for the supply of water to the population.

The controlled organization has the right to apply to the supervisory authority with a request to conduct a preventive visit before the scheduled inspection. This must be done no later than two months before the scheduled event. In this case, controllers are required to conduct a preventive visit, which will allow the company to correct violations in advance and not receive a fine after a scheduled inspection.

Separately, it should be noted that scheduled inspections will not be carried out in relation to state and municipal schools and kindergartens. At the same time, it is possible to conduct mandatory preventive visits in relation to them, within the framework of which it is allowed to carry out control actions both during verification (testing, sampling) and issue an order, including to the founder of such an institution. It also excludes their bringing to administrative responsibility in case of violations.

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