The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan held a strategic session dedicated to digital tools to support innovative entrepreneurship

26 April 2022, Tuesday

Today, as part of the International Intellectual Property Day, the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan hosted the Interregional Strategic Session "Digital Tools to Support Innovators and Business". The event was organized by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan and the State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Tatarstan "Tatarstan CNTI".

The Interregional Strategic Session was attended by representatives of the Federal Institute of Industrial Property, the Institute for Financial Business Development, Mordovian State University, North-Eastern Federal University. M.K. Ammosova (Yakutsk), NGO “Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan, enterprises and organizations of the real sector of the economy and universities of the Republic of Tatarstan, etc.

The strategic session was devoted to discussing topical and popular issues in the field of intellectual property, updating a set of measures to create favorable conditions for enhancing innovation, sharing experience and best practices in the development of innovative business between regions, as well as launching mechanisms for developing the intellectual property market and consuming new technologies.

The event was opened by Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Dinar Shakirov. He noted the special role of the effective use and implementation of scientific and technological achievements, which is inextricably linked with the development of the intellectual property market, which ensures the transfer of new high technologies to the real sector of the country's economy.

The speaker emphasized that Tatarstan is a region with an active innovation support policy - a set of legislative and organizational measures has been implemented in the republic to regulate the development of innovation activities and intellectual property management, an information and analytical portal "Tatpatent" has been created. The tool allows you to receive advice on the registration of intellectual property objects, measures to support innovative business, as well as generate applications for grants from the Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere.

By the number of supported projects, the Republic of Tatarstan is traditionally one of the leading regions. At the end of 2020, the Fund supported 119 projects of the Republic of Tatarstan for a total of 720.8 million rubles. In 2021, 93 republican projects were supported for a total of 844.2 million rubles.

The participants of the strategic session shared the best practices and digital tools that allow them to actively develop and support innovative activities in the regions. Among them are tools for the formation and development of innovative infrastructure, the creation of a market for qualified personnel and a system of vocational education, institutional and information assistance in promoting technological solutions and finished products to the market.

In conclusion, Dinar Shakirov expressed the hope that the results and knowledge gained from the strategic session would be useful to all participants, and the proposed recommendations would find their application in practice.

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