Self-employed and entrepreneurs of Tatarstan will be trained on SMM in new conditions

11 April 2022, Monday

The My Business Center of the Entrepreneurship Support Fund, subordinate to the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, will conduct a large-scale online training for entrepreneurs and self-employed people on the topic “How to do business on the Internet today”.

The training will take place in the format of online master classes, where participants will be told how painlessly for a business to move to new Internet sites, transfer existing content and build a strong sales and promotion strategy there. Social networks and instant messengers that are currently relevant (VK, Odnoklassniki, Telegram, etc.), the formation of a content plan for these sites, the intricacies of launching advertising and analyzing its results will be considered.

The key speaker will be the head of the educational project "School of Effective Internet Marketing", the founder of Russia's first SMM agency Damir Khalilov. Headliner has been working in the field of Internet marketing for over 20 years.

The start date of training is April 18, to participate, you must register at the link: https://msp.rf/services/support/tatarstan/91/. Entrepreneurs and self-employed of Tatarstan can apply for participation. Limited number of seats.

More information about the services and measures to support the self-employed and entrepreneurs of the republic can be found on the website of the Entrepreneurship Support Fund at the link: You can get advice on this and other support measures by calling the hotline: 8 (843) 524-90-90.

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