A hotline for entrepreneurs operates in Tatarstan

3 March 2022, Thursday

The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, together with subordinate structures, will continue to provide support to small and medium-sized businesses. For consultation, there is a hotline where any entrepreneur can get information on problematic issues of interest to him, as well as leave his suggestions.

This year, 1.23 billion rubles are provided for state support of business entities, and taking into account the existing capitalization of structures subordinate to the Ministry of Economy - the Tatarstan Entrepreneurship Support Fund and the Guarantee Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan - the total amount of support will be 4.5 billion rubles. Thanks to financing, financial support programs will be implemented in the republic: preferential microloans and loans, guarantees, subsidies, provision of comprehensive services, support for export-oriented small and medium-sized businesses.

The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan will continue to fulfill in full all its obligations and announced measures to support small and medium-sized businesses.

Now the Ministry is working on adapting support products to the changed economic conditions. Currently, all existing programs are being analyzed for their reconfiguration, as well as the development of additional support measures.

You can get advice on all issues related to entrepreneurial activity, leave suggestions, and select support measures for specific business needs by calling the hotline: 8(843) 524-90-90.

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