Midkhat Shagiakhmetov: 2021 is characterized by the return of the economy of the country and the republic to the pre-pandemic level

17 February 2022, Thursday

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Midkhat Shagiakhmetov at the final board of the Ministry of Economy of the region noted that the past year was characterized by the return of the economy of the country and the republic to the pre-pandemic level.

“Thanks to the systematic work of enterprises of the republic, small and medium-sized businesses, the implementation of federal and republican support measures, 2021 is characterized by the return of the economy of the country and the republic to the pre-pandemic level,” the minister said.

At the same time, the gross regional product of the republic, according to estimates, amounted to 3 trillion 354.9 billion rubles with a growth rate of 103.8%. The main factors of economic growth were: the commissioning of new industrial production capacities, an increase in the workload of backbone organizations, as well as an increase in the output of petroleum products, chemical products and engineering products. The growth of the economy was facilitated, among other things, by a phased increase in oil production under the terms of the OPEC+ Agreement.

There is also a recovery in the consumer market, growth in the construction sector, and a general revival of business activity.

The minister noted that registered unemployment in the labor market decreased by 3.4 times, and the growth of real wages in 2021 amounted to 105.8%.

At the same time, the drought in 2021 had a negative impact on the indicators in the republic's agriculture, and the public catering sector has not been restored to the pandemic level.

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