SME Corporation will hold a visiting strategic session in the Republic of Tatarstan

13 December 2021, Monday

On December 15-16, 2021, representatives of the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME Corporation) with the support of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan will hold a strategic session dedicated to the implementation of state support measures for small and medium-sized companies in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Within the framework of the strategic session, a number of workshops and round tables will be held on instruments of property and preferential financial support for entrepreneurs, issues of ensuring access of SMEs to procurement under Federal Law No. 223-FL, as well as the development of a digital platform for SMEs and the integration of republican electronic services into its functionality.

Representatives of the Corporation together with regional and municipal authorities, representatives of the business community and business associations will develop joint draft decisions aimed at improving measures and instruments of state support. Tatarstan has repeatedly become a pilot region for the implementation of the Corporation's initiatives. The format of interaction of the federal agency with representatives of business and the authorities of the republic allows to form really popular support programs and improve economic conditions in the region.

The key topic of the strategic session will be the connection of regional organizations of the business support infrastructure and digital services of Tatarstan to the digital platform of SMEs, which should improve the interaction of government and business and increase the availability of services for existing and aspiring entrepreneurs. Within the framework of this topic, it is planned to discuss with business representatives their proposals on the content and functionality of the digital platform of SMEs, on its optimization and further development.

The purpose of the digital SME platform, which is being developed within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium-sized entrepreneurship and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative", is to become a business assistant and provide entrepreneurs with the opportunity to receive the services and support measures they need at all stages of the company's development. It is planned that the platform will become a single point of access to all measures of state support. At the same time, the Republic of Tatarstan will be one of the first regions whose advanced digital services and solutions in public administration structures will be integrated into the platform.

The event will be held in the Entrepreneur's House, in online and offline formats. You can join the broadcast on the My Business YouTube channel on December 16 at the following links:

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