To support self-employed citizens in the conditions of restrictive anti-covid measures, the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan has changed the terms of a specialized product - a microloan "Self-employed". Starting from November 1, 2021, individuals registered as payers of professional income tax from 1 month can receive a micro-loan.
It should be noted that previously, the self-employed who have been operating in this status for at least 6 months could apply for preferential financing, since November 1, the conditions have been softened - the registration period is from 1 month.
At the same time, the remaining conditions stay unchanged. A micro loan in the amount of 50 to 500 thousand rubles is issued for a period of up to 2 years, at a percentage equal from ½ of the key rate of the Bank of Russia to 5.5% per annum for any business purposes. There is also a postponement of the payment of the principal debt for up to 6 months. Micro-loans of up to 100 thousand rubles can be obtained without collateral.
A micro-loan is issued for any costs justified by borrowers necessary to carry out activities, the income from which is subject to a "Professional income tax". Priority when considering applications for micro-loans are projects implemented by self-employed women, young people under the age of 35, as well as newly registered individuals over the age of 45.
An application for a microloan can be submitted through the "MFC for Business" or regional representatives of the Entrepreneurship Support Fund, represented in almost all municipalities of the republic. Contact information of regional representatives can be found on the website / in the "My Business" Center section.
You can get advice on all business support measures in force in the republic by phone: 8 (843) 524-90-90.