The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan will help businessmen to register their own trademark for free

13 July 2021, Tuesday

Tatarstan business will be able to register a trademark for free. Since July, such service has been provided by the Entrepreneurship Support Fund subordinate to the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan. The fund will reimburse up to 350 thousand rubles spent by businessmen during registration.

First Deputy General Director-Head of the "My Business" Center of the Entrepreneurship Support Fund of the Republic of TatarstanLinara Burkhanova noted that earlier the service could be used by entrepreneurs operating in the innovation sphere and participants of clusters, this year the service became available for all categories of business in the republic.

"The new service is necessary for entrepreneurs at the stage of business scaling, to protect it from unscrupulous competitors. The service is provided within the framework of "Small and medium-sized entrepreneurship and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative" national project. Registration of a trademark will make the goods and services of an entrepreneur recognizable and competitive. The Fund, in view of the implementation of national projects, assumes 100% of the costs of the registration cost in the amount of up to 350 thousand rubles," addedLinara Burkhanova.

Trademark registration is not the only service available to Tatarstan entrepreneurs under the national project. The Fund provides a wide range of services for businesses related to professional development of employees employed by SMEs, certification, patent search, free accounting, advertising services, financing participation in fairs and exhibitions, assistance in reporting and even recruitment. At the same time, all the services listed above are provided free of charge. All that is required from an entrepreneur is to contact the Entrepreneurship Support Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan and apply for any service.

Today, at the My Business center the first application for trademark registration was submitted by a Tatarstan entrepreneur Rinat Shamionov. He began to develop his business for the production of semi-finished products, despite the economic instability caused by the pandemic. According to the businessman, now he produces about a ton of products, the goods are sold in his own store. It is just one shop for now. We plan to scale the business – the first step in this direction was the registration of our own trademark.

"We make meat pockets with different fillings, manty, dumplings, ravioli. The uniqueness of semi-finished products lies in their composition – all raw materials are completely natural. We buy products from farmers from the regions of the republic. We make semi-finished products manually. A year ago, I already received assistance from the Entrepreneurship Support Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan in the form of free advertising services. Now I plan to develop a franchise, registering my brand will help me expand my business outside of Tatarstan," sharedRinat Shamionov.    

According to the entrepreneur, he keeps track of information about new support measures implemented by the My Business center, and chooses suitable ones for the development of his own business. He planned to register his own trademark for a long time, but there were not enough material opportunities, since his business is at the stage of development and requires a sufficient amount of investment. The entrepreneur noted that he plans to continue contacting the Center for support in the future.

It is worth noting that the support programs implemented by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan and subordinate structures are formed on the basis of real requests from the business of the republic and are available to all categories of entrepreneurs and self-employed of Tatarstan.

Applications for the provision of non-financial services are accepted by the Entrepreneurship Support Fund subordinate to the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, located at 28 Peterburgskaya str., Kazan. You can also get a preliminary consultation by calling 8 (843) 524-90-90, on the websites: and https://фасттрек.RF/

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