179 million rubles will be allocated for the creation of more than a hundred educational centers under the national project in Tatarstan

31 May 2021, Monday

According to the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, the creation of "Growth Points" in villages is provided for by the "Modern School" regional project, included in the national project "Education", for the implementation of which 179 million rubles will be allocated in Tatarstan. The project is included in the "Education" national project. With the allocated funds, it is planned to update the material and technical base, purchase modern high-tech equipment, which will increase the level of equipment and quality of educational classes in rural schools.

If last year, during the implementation of the regional project, the focus of modernization and improvement of the level of equipment of the Centers was placed on such disciplines as "Computer Science", "Technology" and "Health and Safety", now support will be provided for school subjects of natural science and technology – "Physics", "Chemistry", "Biology".

"Points of growth" on the basis of general education schools are created primarily for the purpose of developing students' literacy in natural sciences, mathematics, the formation of critical and creative thinking, and improving technological skills.

In 2021, the centers will be equipped with equipment for the practice of block programming, sets for mechanics and robotics, as well as digital sets for chemistry, biology and physics – digital laboratories, sensors, microscopes, sets for the manufacture of micro-preparations, sets of accompanying elements for experiments in mechanics, molecular physics, electrodynamics and optics, sets of vessels and equipment for student experiments, collections of demonstration materials for biology lessons, sets for conducting chemical reactions, computer equipment.

We recall that in 2019, the centers "Point of Growth" were created in 97 general education organizations, in 2020 – in 42.

In general, 656 million rubles will be allocated for the implementation of the national project "Education" in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Press Service of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan

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