108 applications from businesses of the republic for "social enterprise" status acknowledgment were considered in the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan

28 May 2021, Friday

The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan held a meeting of the interdepartmental commission to consider the issues of recognition of small and medium-sized businesses as social enterprises. 108 applications from socially oriented businesses of the republic were submitted to the commission for consideration.

Tatarstan continues to accept applications and documents for joining the List of Social Enterprises in 2021. The work is carried out by the Republican Ministry of Economy and its subordinate structure – the Center for Innovations in the Social Sphere of the non-profit microcredit company "Entrepreneurship Support Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan". 

Entrepreneurs who provide employment for socially unprotected (vulnerable) citizens or sell goods (works, services) produced by such citizens, as well as those engaged in the production of goods (works, services) intended for this category of citizens, can enter the List and receive the status of "social enterprise". Another selection criterion is the implementation of activities aimed at achieving socially useful goals and contributing to the solution of social problems of society, for example, activities for the provision of services in the field of preschool education, services for recreation and recreation of children, cultural and educational activities, and others.

It is worth noting that business entities included in the List can count on additional opportunities to receive financial and non-financial support, including preferential microloans and grants (from the 4th quarter of 2021).

In Tatarstan, you can submit documents and get consulting support at the address: Kazan, Petersburgskaya st, 28 "House of the Entrepreneur", by phone: (843) 222-90-60 (ext. 105), by e-mail: ciss.rt@mail.ru.



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