Since the beginning of 2020, funding for national projects has increased by 7.7 billion rubles

13 October 2020, Tuesday

In 2020, it is planned to allocate 31.6 billion rubles for implementation of national projects in the Republic of Tatarstan. 23.1 billion rubles of these will be allocated from the federal budget, 8.5 billion rubles - from the budget of the republic.


Most of the funds (63%) will be directed to the construction and overhaul of social and cultural infrastructure, road facilities, improvement of parks and squares, elimination of unauthorized dumps, as well as ensuring the resettlement of citizens from emergency housing.

Part of funds (24%) - for the provision of targeted grants and subsidies, training, festivals, competitions.

In addition, purchases of machinery, equipment, vehicles for education, health care, culture also will be performed (13%).

It should be noted that since the beginning of the year, funding for national projects has increased by 7.7 billion rubles, including from the federal budget - by 6.8 billion rubles.

Implementation of national projects has been carried out since 2019. The activities carried out within the framework of national projects are aimed at developing human capital, improving the quality of life of the population.

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