Banks of Tatarstan received applications for 8.7 billion rubles on a new loan program at 2% from entrepreneurs

5 June 2020, Friday

On June 1, a program of preferential lending to enterprises at a rate of 2% per annum was launched in Russia. To date, 1,966 applications for 8.7 billion rubles have been received from Tatarstan entrepreneurs. The entrepreneur can direct the money received to carry out entrepreneurial activities, including the payment of salaries to employees, or pay off previously taken loans, including interest-free loan for payment of labor.

Currently, according to the banks of the Republic, they have received 1,966 applications totaling 8.7 billion rubles, 153 applications of which for 420 million rubles have already been approved. Applications have been submitted to the following banks: Ak Bars Bank, VTB, Sberbank, MSP, Otkrytiye, Promsvyazbank, Gazprombank, Energobank and Kamkombank.

Let us recall that companies from affected sectors and socially oriented NPOs (included in the register of SO NPOs), as well as companies from sectors requiring support to resume operations, can count on loans. The exception is individual entrepreneurs without hired workers. At the same time, it is enough for small and micro-business enterprises to comply with the list of affected sectors for additional OKVED.

The loan amount is calculated based on the formula:

(one minimum wage + insurance contributions (30%) for each employee monthly for six months) * number of employees * base period (the base period is equal to the period from the date of conclusion of the contract to December 1).

It is worth noting that the loan will be provided not in full immediately, but in monthly installments, which will ensure the preservation of employment and timely remuneration of employees of borrowing enterprises. Attracted credit funds can be used both directly to pay salaries, and to refinance or repay a previously taken interest-free salary loan, and other current goals.

The final loan rate for consumers will be 2%, the rest is subsidized by the state. In turn, subject to the terms of the program, the interest on the loan does not require monthly repayment, they are capitalized, that is, they will be added to the main debt and paid at the end of the loan agreement along with the “body” of the loan. The soft loan should be repaid till June 30, 2021.

At the same time, for enterprises that retain at least 90% of their employees, the loan will be written off with interest - the entire amount will be paid by the state. If at least 80% of employees remain in the staff, the borrower will have to repay only half of the loan and interest on it. It is worth noting that at the time of conclusion of the loan agreement the borrower should not be in bankruptcy proceedings, if the borrower is an individual entrepreneur, then at the time of applying for a soft loan, its activity should not be terminated.

VEB state guarantee in the amount of 85% of the loan amount is also provided under loan agreements, this will allow banks to expand the range of recipients of such a loan. It is planned that the program will quickly include all those banks that are already participating in the program of interest-free salary loans.

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