Ministry of Economy reimbursed the costs of Tehnotron-Metiz for 4.5 million rubles

15 May 2019, Wednesday

The plant received a grant for the purchase of equipment. Support was provided under the “Interest rate subsidizing” program, in which residents and management companies of industrial sites and parks of Tatarstan can become participants.

Thanks to the support received, the plant updated the machines and conveyors for the production of the main types of products manufactured.

“The main task of implementing this program is to stimulate the modernization of production and expansion of the technical and technological capacities of small and medium-sized businesses”, said the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, Farid Abdulganiyev.

Subsidies are issued by the state public institution “Center for Implementation of Programs for Support and Development of Small and Medium-sized Businesses of the Republic of Tatarstan”.

One of the conditions of the program is that loans should be directed to the construction of engineering infrastructure and reconstruction on the site, as well as the purchase of equipment. The interest on loan cannot exceed the weighted average interest rate calculated by the Central Bank of Russia for the first month of the year in which the loan was received. The maximum subsidy per recipient is 5 million rubles a year.

Let us recall that the Ministry of Economy can reimburse expenses related to the payment of interest on loans attracted from Russian credit institutions no earlier than January 1, 2017.

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