The supervisory bodies will not work under the rules of the Soviet period

5 July 2017, Wednesday

We would like to remind, that the provisions of the Federal Law No. 294-XP “On protection of legal persons and individual businessmen in the exercise of state control (supervision) on the prohibition for officials of state control (supervision), municipal control bodies” to verify compliance with the requirements established by the regulatory acts of the executive power of the USSR and the RSFSR during the inspections of business entities, have entered into force on July 1, 2017.

The entry into force of the amendments was preceded by a transition period of one year, which is necessary for the authorities to work for updating the departmental acts, establishing the requirements for the supervised subjects.  However, the prohibition is not complete and does not apply, in particular, to the application of acts of the USSR and the RSFSR by the judiciary and the procuratorial authorities. Some of the labour laws of the USSR and the RSFSR, which are necessary to prevent the violation of workers' rights, have also become an exception. In this regard the following areas of labour law in the Soviet legislation will therefore remain in force:

- use of a single tariff and qualification reference book for jobs and occupations, unified e qualification reference book of positions for managers, specialists and officials;

  • application of lists of works, industries, occupations, professions and positions, institutions (organizations), according to which the early old-age pension insurance is assigned, and the rules for calculating periods of work (activities), which gives the right for early pension;
  • establishment of regional coefficients for wages and interest allowances for work experience in areas of the far north and equivalent localities, in the southern regions of Eastern Siberia, the Far East, as well as other areas with special climatic or environmental conditions, including in the highlands, desert and non-water areas, other guarantees and compensation for work in these areas and localities.

The verification of these requirements is limited by July 2022. It is assumed that by this time the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation will develop modern legal and regulatory instruments incorporating the important issues of the Soviet legislation.

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