Attention of applicants to participation in competitive selection of applications for financial security of expenses of the subjects of small and average business of the Republic of Tatarstan connected with development of youth innovative creativity centers focused on creating favorable conditions for children, youth and subjects of small and average business for their development in scientific and technical, innovative and production spheres by creation of material, economic, information basis!
The Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Tatarstan informs that 2 applications are submitted for a competition in selection of applications for financial security of expenses of the subjects of small and average business of the Republic of Tatarstan connected with development of the centers of youth innovative creativity focused on creating favorable conditions for children, youth and subjects of small and average business for their development in scientific and technical, innovative and production spheres by creation of material, economic, information basis all. These applications are allowed to a competition.
Information on the applicants allowed on competitive selection contains in the subsection "Business Support Infrastructure" of the section "Business": the applicants allowed to a competition.