Start of a new set on "Factory of business" was broadcasted to all Tatarstan

12 March 2016, Saturday

"The factory of business" has held on March 12 a master class "the Business expert of 2016" for young businessmen on which it declared start of a new set on the project. The Minister of Economics of the Republic of Tatarstan Artyom Zdunov, the vice rector for questions of economic and strategic development of the Kazan federal university Marat Safiullin and the head of "Factory of business" Aydar Bulatov welcomed participants. 

More than 600 people became listeners of a master class. In real time the master class was broadcast in 44 municipal districts of the Republic of Tatarstan. Within a master class "the Business expert of 2016" the competition by results of which the new set on both directions "Factories of Business" will be created has been announced. 

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