Prospects of territorial development of the Republic of Tatarstan taking into account preservation of natural resources and environmental protection discussed within development of Strategy till 2030

23 October 2014, Thursday
Within development of the project of Strategy of social and economic development of the Republic of Tatarstan for the period till 2030 on October 21, 2014 in the Ministry of ecology and natural resources of the Republic of Tatarstan design session "Prospects of Territorial Development of the Republic of Tatarstan" on the basis of a design platform "Natural resources" took place. Representatives of the profile ministries and departments took part in action. Definition of the priority directions and prospects of development of territories of the republic taking into account preservation of natural resources and environmental protection, formation of complete vision of the project of the ecological zone "Volga and Kamsky Stream" in structure of spatial planning of the Republic of Tatarstan, and also specification of the purposes and tasks of the project became the main task of design session.
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