Nanocluster to be set up in Tatarstan

1 August 2014, Friday
An innovative areal cluster in nanotechnology sphere will be set up in Tatarstan.

The cluster development of Idea technopark is a model of fast growth of nanotechnology sphere in the republic. It is focused on republic economy’s preferred spheres such as petrochemicals, engineering and new materials, automation and tool engineering, medicine and pharmaceuticals, as well as aviation and space.

Small companies will be set up in the framework of the project to satisfy demands of the republic’s industrial enterprises. The cluster will facilitate to introduce innovations into special goods, increase production capacity and consumption of nanotechnology in Tatarstan. Among the tasks are development of hi-tech military industry companies, attraction of small and medium business to defense industry and contribution to Tatarstan’s investment prospects, Tatarstan Economy Ministry’s press service reports.

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