The international scientific and practical seminar "Development of "clever regulation" mechanisms: on tye way to new regulatory policy of Russia" took place

14 March 2014, Friday
On March 14, 2014 at National research university "Higher School of Economy" the international scientific and practical seminar "Development of mechanisms "clever regulation" took place: on a way to new regulatory policy of Russia" which on the air was broadcast in the information and telecommunication Internet network. During a seminar it was noted that today the assessment of regulating influence (ARI) in the countries of OECD (Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development) is a kernel round which the modern regulatory policy recognized as one of three major levers of impact on economic growth (along with budgetary and with fiscal policy) is built. In Russia this tool in plans of overcoming of stagnation remained until recently almost uninvolved while the resource of additional economic growth when carrying out complex regulatory policy is estimated to 1,5-2% of gross domestic product (according to OECD)
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