More than 500 entrepreneurs became participants of the "Supplier Day" of a large petrochemical company in Tatarstan

10 October 2024, Thursday

The event was held within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" to assist in attracting businesses as suppliers of goods, works or services to large customers, as well as the development of cooperative chains and the development of new sales markets.

Sibur Supplier Day was held at the site of the IT PARK in Kazan. The event brought together more than 500 business representatives. The organizers were the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan together with SIBUR LLC and ANO CCR Innokam. 

Holding such meetings is an indicator of a constructive approach in the dialogue between enterprises and corresponds to the goals of the national project "Small and medium-sized enterprises" to increase entrepreneurial activity.


"Special attention is paid in the republic to building cooperation between large and small businesses. For example, in two years, 7 supplier days were held for 21 large enterprises, in which over 1,250 participants-SMEs - took part. As a result of such events, more than 300 enterprises became suppliers of large businesses and signed contracts worth over 2 billion rubles. Such meetings are very important, they contribute to the creation of new jobs, which means that they develop the economic potential of our republic," said Natalia Kondratova, First Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan.


The speakers were experienced practitioners of the petrochemical industry.


The participants of the event had the opportunity to exchange experiences with experts and specialists in the field. Entrepreneurs participated in discussions and shared business development ideas.


The entrepreneurs also had the opportunity to discuss with the company's heads and managers procurement plans for the near future, their terms and possible partnership in the supply of material and technical resources.


Let us recall that Supplier's Day is a quarterly meeting of large businesses with small producers of the republic. Earlier, the meetings covered construction, trade, machine-building, petrochemical companies, as well as residents of industrial parks of the republic.


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