The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan hosted an international round table on Islamic finance

24 September 2024, Tuesday

On September 23, 2024, the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan hosted an international round table on the topic "Roundtable discussion "Islamic Finance: Best International Practices" - "Islamic Finance: best international practices". 

The participants of the event — experts, practitioners and scientists — shared their knowledge and experience, discussed topical issues and challenges faced by the field of Islamic finance, as well as analyzed examples of the use of Islamic financial instruments in various countries.

List of participants: 
1. Dr. Nazrul Hazizi Nordin, University of Malaysia (IUM), Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance
2. Dr. Syed Marwan, Associate Professor, Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance, International Islamic University of Malaysia (online).
3. Mr. Behnam Gurbanzadeh, Director of Islamic Finance at Sberinvest in the Middle East, Director of Islamic Finance at Sberbank
4. Madina Kalimullina, Senior Researcher, specialist in the field of Islamic business, banking and finance, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Institute of Law and Development of the Higher School of Economics-Skolkovo
5. Mr. Askhat Giniyatov, Head of the Islamic Banking Department at T-Bank
6. Mr. Seyed Said Vakili, Deputy General Director and Head of the Additional Office of Mir Business Bank JSC in Kazan (Online).
7. Mr. Voris Kalandarov, Founder and Director of United Islamic Banking (online).


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