"Digital mudaraba". For the first time in Russia, a deal was conducted to raise funds on an investment platform in accordance with Sharia law

15 July 2024, Monday

On July 12, Tatarstan companies AS SALAM Group of Companies and STATUS Registrar Company JSC (included by the Bank of Russia in the register of investment platform operators) conducted a pilot transaction on the mudaraba financial product based on the Status-Invest investment platform. This is a unique financial product for the partner capital market. It is an analogue of sukuk al-mudarab. The borrower, having issued his project in the form of an investment proposal, can raise funds. At the same time, there is no direct contact with the investor. All interaction takes place within the framework of the investment platform – remotely. This transaction launched the first full-fledged investment platform in Russia, whose financial products meet all the requirements of Federal Law 417-FZ ("On Partner Financing") and Federal Law No. 259-FZ ("On Attracting Investments using Investment Platforms").

The Islamic financial product mudaraba is a financing agreement under which the investor provides the borrower with the amount of financing and receives as income a share of the profit generated by the project, which the borrower implements at the expense of the funds raised.

Clients-investors of the platform can be private clients, individual entrepreneurs and companies of any organizational and legal form - all interested, both sharing the principles of partner financing and just getting acquainted with a product new to the Russian mass market.

The recipients of financing for projects requiring investment investments may be Russian companies operating in the territory of the Russian Federation, whose activities comply with Sharia law. The indisputable advantage of the platform, the functionality of which provides stakeholders with equal access rights to halal investments, is the emergence of new, broad, previously absent opportunities for business and private investors.

On the basis of this investment product, the following will be created:

  • an analogue of the interbank lending market for participants in the partner finance market. The participants of the experiment will be able to both place their excess liquidity and raise funds to close cash gaps;
  • a platform for attracting financing for projects/transactions in accordance with the principles of Sharia.

Thus, the launch of the innovative product "digital mudaraba" will allow the formation of the partner capital market in the Russian Federation.

You can get acquainted with the Russian innovative product of Islamic investment banking by following the link: https://ас-салям.рф/ishchem-proekty https://platform.rostatus.ru/#platform

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