Tatarstan RLC has concluded a second deal on Islamic leasing of Ijara

12 June 2024, Wednesday

In June, the Regional Leasing Company (RLC) of Tatarstan concluded a second deal on a new product, Ijara, based on the principles of Islamic finance. Within its framework, the Tatarstan construction company Promstroymechanizatsiya purchased a trailer for the transportation of heavy goods. The purchase of a trailer will allow the company to reduce the cost of equipment delivery services from third-party organizations and reduce production by up to 25%.

An Islamic financial product is made attractive by a fair risk-sharing scheme between the RLC and the lessee.

Within the framework of Islamic leasing, small and medium-sized enterprises of the republic can purchase commercial vehicles and special equipment for leasing according to Islamic norms. The amount of financing ranges from 1 million to 15 million rubles. The lease term is up to 5 years, the security payment under the lease agreement is 10% of the value of the leased item, but not less than the lessor's costs associated with the acquisition of the leased item. 

You can apply for leasing financing on the website:

Detailed information on all products can be obtained in a Single portal on partner finance:

It should be recalled that support for domestic entrepreneurship is being implemented within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship".  

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