79% of inspections of control bodies in Tatarstan are preventive in nature

1 February 2024, Thursday

Employees of the control bodies conducted 13,700 preventive measures in Tatarstan in 2023, of which about 2,000 preventive visits. Their share in the total number of inspections and preventive measures of control (supervisory) bodies in the republic amounted to 79%.

Let us recall that until 2030, the control authorities will conduct scheduled inspections only in relation to objects of extremely high and high risk categories. The approved format of inspections will ensure further reduction of the burden on business and shift the focus to the prevention of violations.

Also on behalf of the President of the Russian FederationVladimir Putin has extended the moratorium on unscheduled inspections until the end of 2024, while they will be carried out only on a certain list of grounds.

Thus, thanks to the current moratorium, the number of inspections in the Republic of Tatarstan decreased by 3.5 times in 2023. They have been replaced by preventive visits, which are essentially a free audit of an entrepreneur for compliance of his work with norms and legal requirements. 

The format of the preventive visit allows, without excessive administrative pressure in the mode of interaction with entrepreneurs, to achieve the safe functioning of a business that meets both the interests of entrepreneurs and consumers.

During preventive visits, entrepreneurs receive information about mandatory requirements, as well as all necessary information to comply with legislation in accordance with the type of activity carried out.

Let us recall that entrepreneurs of the Republic of Tatarstan can learn about planned, ongoing inspections and preventive measures of control bodies, as well as see the decisions taken as a result in the personal account of the Portal of Public Services of the Russian Federation in a special section "Control and supervision".

You can also get acquainted with inspections and preventive measures on the Internet resource "Verified Business", which contains useful knowledge and services in the field of control (supervisory) activities for entrepreneurs of the Republic of Tatarstan: https://provbiz.ru.


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