Midhat Shagiakhmetov took part in a workshop on the prospects of cooperation between Tatarstan and the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and the State Corporation WEB.RF

26 January 2024, Friday

A workshop on the results of the session of the strategic business mission and on the prospects of cooperation between the Republic of Tatarstan with the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and the State Corporation WEB.RF was held today at the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan. 

The working meeting was attended by Rustam Minnikhanov, Director General of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) Svetlana Chupsheva, Chairman of WEB.RF Igor Shuvalov, as well as Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Midkhat Shagiakhmetov. 

In his opening remarks, Rustam Minnikhanov thanked Tatarstan for being chosen to conduct a joint business mission of ASI and WEB.RF, as well as a strategic session on the development of key areas for the development of regions. He briefly informed about the economic indicators achieved by the region in 2023.

"The Republic has come a long way, and this is not only a matter of potential. We can say that the whole potential is being realized to the fullest. Thank you very much for the joint projects in which we participate and which you initiated. I must say that many subjects initiate projects, but they do not always bring them to a result. All the projects that you have initiated – they end with a concrete result," said the chairman of WEB.RF Igor Shuvalov, addressing Rustam Minnikhanov.

At the end of the meeting, the participants answered questions from media representatives.

Igor Shuvalov, in particular, responding to the BRICS summit, said: "The priorities of our BRICS presidency have been determined by the President of the Russian Federation. As a development corporation, we are heading the BRICS interbank association this year. We are conducting several financial projects, including increasing payments in national currencies, creating alternative payment systems, and others. There is a lot of work on the agenda as a whole. And we, within the framework of the forum "Strong Ideas for a new time", and within the framework of other initiatives, will consider what else can fill the agenda."

Speaking about cooperation with Tatarstan, Igor Shuvalov stressed that all projects that begin in the region are always completed. "We don't have a single unfinished project," Igor Shuvalov said. - All projects of WEB.RF with the Republic of Tatarstan are always successful. Whether it's within the framework of BRICS or our usual partnership work, this work is always interesting."

Svetlana Chupsheva, Director General of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI), told that she visited the inclusive center "Everything for Children" in Kazan. She talked to the visitors of the center - mothers of special children - and visited a workshop for the production of children's clothing. She shared her impressions with journalists: "I really liked the Center. This is a day care center for mothers with difficult children. Many of them are bedridden, and mom or dad does not have the opportunity to work, because they devote all their time to caring for a child. Therefore, such centers allow you to get into a different environment, relax a little and chat with the moms like that. Appropriate care is provided for the child at this time. The center also has a workshop for sewing specialized clothes for children with special needs. There is a need for such products. Nationwide, we know that such children need clothes that allow them to be independent and comfortably carry out care procedures. I would like such production to be organized on an industrial scale."

According to Svetlana Chupsheva, the head of the center needs support from ASI with product certification procedures. "We definitely support the replication of the model throughout the country. Because there is a need for such a structure in every city, in every region. This item is included in the regional social standard, which is being implemented by ASI today on behalf of the President of the country as a basic recommendation for the regions. Therefore, let's hope that such a model will be adopted by the subjects."

Rustam Minnikhanov, in turn, answering journalists' questions about interaction with WEB.RF said that Tatarstan has a good history of relations with WEB. In particular, he spoke about cooperation in support of single-industry towns.

"If we talk about single-industry towns, then this is a huge project, the implementation of which has allowed to create 18 thousand jobs in single-industry towns during this time and attract 56 billion rubles of private investment," Rustam Minnikhanov said. He also said that in partnership with WEB.RF three schools have been built in Tatarstan. "Last year, thanks to WEB.RF e were able to build three schools on time," he said. - Today we also discussed several projects. This includes a unique project to create equipment for LNG production, as well as the further development of the Razvitie Industrial Park (in Naberezhnye Chelny). There are a lot of questions. We work in close contact and are very grateful for the support," said the head of the RT.

Igor Shuvalov also said: "Tatarstan's economy is strong and diverse. And, of course, the talented leadership of the republic over the past 30 years has done everything to ensure that the republic is one of the strongest subjects of the Russian Federation. IT, tourism - you can separate the industries with commas as much as you like. In all its manifestations, Tatarstan's economy can be highly competitive. Therefore, we will be ready to undertake any project that supports the business of the republic and the leadership of the republic. I believe that there are no restrictions here, whether it is the social sphere or the industrial one. I expect success in all areas, the main thing is that the project pays off. And the IT and tourism industries are all the competitive advantages of the republic."

Svetlana Chupsheva also commented on why Tatarstan became the most active in terms of the number of applications at the Know Our Brands competition.

"There are just hundreds of interesting and successful brands here in Tatarstan," she said. - The "Know Our People" competition is held annually on behalf of the President in conjunction with WEB.RF and Roscongress. The winners will receive federal information support from our partners – federal channels."


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