In 2024, comprehensive support for Tatarstan's business within the framework of the national project "Small and medium-sized Enterprises" remains

25 January 2024, Thursday

This was announced by Deputy Prime Minister of the Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Midkhat Shagiakhmetov at a briefing on the implementation of the national project "Small and medium-sized enterprises". 

He also noted that all the targets set for 2023 and the results of the national project "Small and medium-sized Enterprises", initiated by the President of our country Vladimir Putin, have been achieved in Tatarstan.

In addition, despite the increase in the key rate, the implementation of preferential programs for businesses will continue. Entrepreneurs can receive financial and non-financial support measures online on the SME.RF Digital Platform and the My Export platform. 

The Minister of Economy noted that the key priorities for 2024 to improve the business climate are ensuring high-quality business growth and its transition from micro to small companies, from small to medium-sized companies and increasing the share of enterprises in the real sector of the economy.

The speaker said that in order to achieve the tasks set in the Republic of Tatarstan, an Action Plan has been prepared that addresses the most important issues of SME development and is formed taking into account the feedback received following the results of strategic sessions and meetings with business and public associations

The plan has been formed in 9 directions:

1. Expanding the access of SMEs, including beginners, to financial resources. 

2. Improving the digitalization of measures to support business entities.

3. Development of industrial parks.

4. Development of the export potential of SMEs.

5. Development of sales markets for products produced by SMEs and building interaction (cooperation) between SMEs and large businesses.

6. Support and promotion of local (republican) brands.

7. Popularization of entrepreneurship and creation of conditions for the involvement of the population in entrepreneurial activity.

8. Development of the human resources potential of SMEs.

9. Improving the effectiveness of local government in the development of SMEs.

In general, in 2024, the amount of funds provided for republican support, including within the framework of the implementation of the national project "Small and medium-sized enterprises" remains the same.

"Based on the objectives of qualitative development, the focus will be primarily on supporting businesses from the real sector of the economy and start-up entrepreneurs," the minister said. 

For these categories of business, within the framework of the implementation of the national project "Small and medium-sized Enterprises", preferential leasing will be provided with an increased amount of financing from 6 million to 15 million rubles. To support the business, a program of preferential microloans was launched at the start at a rate of 2% per annum with an increased amount of financing from 2 million to 3 million rubles.

In order to speed up the process of obtaining support, together with Rosatom State Corporation, the process of reviewing applications for financial support – microloans, guarantees and leasing will be optimized.  

Midhat Shagiakhmetov stressed that optimization is based on the principles of client-centricity, targeting and increasing the availability of measures by simplifying the procedure for obtaining them.

Let us recall that the support and development of business is provided by the national project "Small and medium-sized enterprises". It was initiated by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, oversees the implementation of the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Andrey Belousov.

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