More than 1,500 applications were submitted by Tatarstan entrepreneurs for participation in the competition of new Russian brands

17 January 2024, Wednesday

This is an absolute record among Russian regions. A total of 7,600 applications were received for participation in the competition.

Until January 15, the first stage of the application campaign was underway, as a result of which businesses and self-employed residents of the districts of the Republic of Tatarstan submitted 1,503 applications. The organizers of the all-Russian competition of new brands "Know Ours" have extended the deadline for submitting applications - they are accepted on the crowd platform until January 31 inclusive. 

It should be noted that ASI, together with the Roscongress Foundation, is holding the competition for the second time, since November 23 last year it has already received more than 7.6 thousand brands from entrepreneurs from different regions.

The participants of the competition can be representatives of small and medium–sized businesses, whose companies demonstrate stable growth rates and a high degree of localization of production in their native region - at least 30%. The candidates' social projects are also taken into account.

The second season promises to take place on a larger scale than the first: this time the number of nominations has been expanded, more participants are expected, new support measures and forms of encouragement for winners have been announced. Not only new participants are invited to participate, but also those who applied for the first season of "Know Our People", but were not among the winners. In addition to the five main nominations - "Food and Nutrition", "Consumer Goods", "Creative", "IT", "High Technologies" - 15 industry and 4 special nominations were announced, which were established by the partners of the Competition. Among them are "Beauty and Health", "Animation", "Sports", "Alcoholic beverages", "Inclusion", "The boldest idea". The partner network of the competition has also expanded, among the new participants of the project are Zasport, Novikov Group, VK Cloud, Rospatent, Simple.

The brand competition was held for the first time in 2023 on behalf of the President of Russia and gathered about 5 thousand participants – growing Russian companies with a high degree of localization of production. The winners received support in promoting their products and were able to significantly increase sales and their income over the year. More than 1,000 participants increased the awareness of their brands in the media, gained access to marketplaces and major retail chains, and presented the best brands to the head of state.

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