The forum "Strong ideas for a new time" will be held on February 26-27, 2024

28 December 2023, Thursday

The fourth forum "Strong Ideas for a new Time" will be held on February 26-27, 2024. The forum is organized by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and the Roscongress Foundation, co–organized by WEB.RF.

"The directions in which ideas are selected undoubtedly concern each of us and require new non-standard solutions. "Quality of life of the population", "Development of economy and entrepreneurship", "Space for life", "Effective work and education", "Technological development", "Data Economy and digital Solutions", "Effective state" - each of the announced nominations has its own growth points, which can be seen by joining forces. By January 31, 2024, we expect interesting ideas from citizens of all regions, each of which will be examined and evaluated. Our task is to provide comprehensive support to the winners and analyze all projects," said Maxim Oreshkin, Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Forum.

The collection of ideas traditionally takes place on the crowd platform  идея.росконгресс.рф.

"The platform has already received more than 500 ideas, about three thousand participants have registered there, who take part in the discussion of all incoming proposals. Experts have started their work, and in real time they give recommendations on how to finalize and correct applications. Active work on generating ideas has started in the regions, and in the near future we expect many promising proposals from all over the country," said Svetlana Chupsheva, Director General of ASI, Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Forum.

"We see interest from citizens and their conscious and responsible attitude to the initiatives they submit to the crowd platform. Every year, not only the number of applications submitted increases, which indicates the trust of the residents of the regions in the forum, but, most importantly, the quality of ideas is growing. They meet the demands that federal agencies, regions, and other partners of the forum have today. Moreover, they contribute to the mobilization of civil society around the agenda of real affairs and positive changes," said Anton Kobyakov, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, Executive Secretary of the Forum Organizing Committee.

The first forum "Strong ideas for a new time" was held in 2020. In accordance with the Decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the forum has become an annual event. 


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