More than 1,600 Russian entrepreneurs have already used the SME.RF Digital Platform to expand markets for its products and services

26 December 2023, Tuesday

The Production Cooperation and Sales service provides small businesses with direct access to the current needs of large companies with the opportunity to offer them their services or products, receive prompt feedback and support in negotiations with potential customers.  

Today, on the SME.RF Digital Platform more than 10.7 thousand nomenclature items of needs for industrial products and non-food products from more than 300 Russian private and foreign customers who are ready to purchase products from small and medium-sized businesses are placed in the section "Becoming a supplier to retailers and manufacturers" of the "Production Cooperation and sales" service. Here you can find the needs for the products that your company produces, see the requirements, delivery volumes and other conditions, as well as offer your products to potential customers. 

With the help of the service "Production cooperation and sales" More than 100 companies have already become suppliers of large businesses. Thus, the Tatarstan enterprise LLC TD Dalini has agreed on cooperation in the supply of bearings with large customers from Belarus, JSC Borisovsky Plant Avtohydrousilitel and JSC Ekran.

How to check the availability of the needs of large companies in the products you produce:

Step.1 Log in to SME.RF;

Step 2. Log in with an account on Public Services with a "linked" business;

Step 3. In the "Services" menu, select "Production cooperation and sales" and find a suitable need by product name, OKPD2 code or delivery region;

Step 4. Respond to the request of interest and send your offer to the customer.

A digital platform SME.RF is a state platform for supporting entrepreneurs, the self-employed and those who plan to start their own business. It provides online access to support measures, provides government and business services, and helps develop business interaction with the state and among themselves. The operator of the platform is JSC "SME Corporation". Employees of the SME Corporation help to receive feedback from customers, prepare and negotiate, and take advantage of state support measures for manufacturing companies. This work is being carried out within the framework of the national project "Small and medium-sized enterprises". If you have any questions about using the service, you can contact the SME Corporation: , 8-800-100-1-100 voice menu 0_1_233.


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