150 entrepreneurs of Tatarstan became participants of the Supplier's Day in Naberezhnye Chelny

14 December 2023, Thursday

In order to expand sales of products of small and medium-sized manufacturing businesses, the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, with the support of ANO "CCR "INNOKAM", which is part of the regional Center "My Business", and JSC "SME Corporation" held a Day of the supplier of machine builders in Naberezhnye Chelny. 150 entrepreneurs took part in the event. 

Large customers were represented by JSC Minsk Tractor Plant (Belarus) and PJSC SOLLERS. Representatives of the companies talked about development and localization plans, voiced requirements for their suppliers and considered proposals from participating enterprises to act as potential suppliers, including at B2B meetings.

The event was organized within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" and is aimed at the development of SMEs, including residents of industrial parks of the republic, establishing interaction between small businesses and major companies.

The day of the supplier of the machine builder became the fourth event in a series of meetings between large businesses and small manufacturers of the republic. Earlier, the meetings covered construction, petrochemical companies, as well as residents of industrial parks of the republic. 900 Tatarstan entrepreneurs became their participants.

Holding such meetings is an indicator of a constructive approach in the dialogue between enterprises and corresponds to the goals of the national project "Small and medium-sized Enterprises" to expand the sales markets of SMEs and develop cooperative ties.

Let us recall that entrepreneurs of the republic also have the opportunity to talk about themselves and find customers from among large businesses through the service "Industrial Cooperation and sales". It is hosted on the SME.RF digital platform. The service collects the needs of large companies, both Russian and neighboring countries, to which subjects can send their proposals on possible supplies.

Business support in Tatarstan is carried out in accordance with the national project "Small and Medium-sized Enterprises", which is supervised by First Deputy Prime Minister Andrey Belousov. 

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