The leaders of the Russian e-commerce market will discuss plans for 2024 in Kazan

9 December 2023, Saturday

Over the past three years, the number of Tatarstan entrepreneurs trading on marketplaces has increased 174 times. They have already registered more than 56 thousand online stores, whose revenue, according to expert estimates, will exceed 60 billion rubles in 2023. With the growth of competition in the market, the issue of increasing business efficiency and searching for new market niches comes to the fore.

The forum "My business. E-COM", organized by the Center "My Business" of the Entrepreneurship Support Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan together with the ANO "E-commerce Center "Marketplace.Easy" with the support of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, will become a platform for discussing trends in the e-commerce market in 2024.

The event is held within the framework of the National Project "Small and medium-sized entrepreneurship and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative".

During the forum, Tatarstan entrepreneurs and the self-employed will be able to get first-hand information about new promising areas, successful sales strategies and measures to support entry into the Russian and foreign e-commerce markets. Also, field support services for marketplaces will work directly at the forum, whose specialists will answer all questions related to the development of Internet business.

Among the speakers of the forum is the owner of Wildberries Tatiana Bakalchuk, Managing Director of Internet Solutions LLC (Ozon) Sergey Belyakov, CEO of KazanExpress (Magnet Market) Khusnullin Linar, Director of Interaction with Public Authorities of Yandex e-com and Foodtech (Yandex LLC) Dmitry Rusakov, Vice President for Public Relations, Aliexpress Russia Sergey Lebedev, top managers of other Russian online platforms, as well as market experts.

"Tatarstan is a special region for us. Here, in 2019, we built our first distribution center outside Moscow and St. Petersburg, and it was from here that our regional development began, which made Wildberries what it is now. The unique format of the forum for Russia is "My Business. E-COM", its focus on obtaining concrete benefits for local entrepreneurs, attracting market leaders to discuss the results of 2023 and plans for the next year is another example of the creative approach that the Tatarstan authorities are implementing to the development of the e-commerce market. Therefore, we were pleased to accept the offer to participate in this forum," Tatyana Bakalchuk said.

"On behalf of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov, the first regional program for the development of electronic commerce in Russia was developed and adopted. Within the framework of this program, a set of support measures has been formed that cover almost all the needs of entrepreneurs on issues related to accessing marketplaces – from registering personal accounts to promoting goods. Thanks to a systematic approach, more than 12% of the total number of legal entities and self-employed registered in Tatarstan have mastered e-commerce channels," said Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Midkhat Shagiakhmetov.

"In his message to the State Council of the Head of the Republic of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov noted the importance of expanding sales markets for Tatarstan businesses, including through the use of the potential of online trading platforms," said Farid Abdulganiev, Assistant to the Head of the Republic of Tatarstan, Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs under the Head of the Republic of Tatarstan. - This is what the My Business.E-COM forum is aimed at", during which Tatarstan entrepreneurs and the self-employed will be able to receive information about trends and the most promising areas of online sales in 2024 directly from leading market experts, as well as owners and top managers of the largest federal marketplaces."


The forum "My business. E-COM" will be held on December 18 at the concert hall of the Volga State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism (Kazan, Universiade Village, building 35). The event starts at 13:00.

The forum is open to representatives of legal entities included in the register of SMEs and the self-employed of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Participation is free of charge. Register for participation in the forum by following the link:


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