Tatarstan entrepreneurs can apply for the competition of new Russian brands "Know ours"

7 December 2023, Thursday

The Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) and the Roscongress Foundation have announced the launch of the Know Our People competition for new Russian brands, which aims to support the development of promising Russian brands in all regions of Russia. The participants can be entrepreneurs – representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, whose companies demonstrate steady growth rates and a high degree of localization of production. Applications are accepted until January 15th on the website.

"The aim of the competition is to show the diversity of Russian brands, which are not only as good in quality as their foreign counterparts, but also often surpass them. We see how the niches vacated after the departure of foreign players are actively occupied by domestic manufacturers, and this process must be supported in all possible ways. By helping our brands develop, we strengthen the sustainability of the Russian economy," said the Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Maxim Oreshkin.

Applications are accepted in five directions: "Food and nutrition", "Consumer goods", "Creative", "IT", "High technologies". Special nominations "Inclusion", "The boldest idea".

The winning companies will receive assistance in promoting on marketplaces and in the media, access to training programs, individual meetings with business experts, membership in business associations, free participation in major events, as well as grant support.  When choosing the winners, the annual turnover growth rate, the assessment of the project partners and the regions where the company is registered, the opinion of the competition jury, the company's participation in social projects, projects and programs of the competition partners will be taken into account. Among the partners of the competition are Channel One, MAER media holding, Simple, Zenden, Zasport and others. This year, the organizers will also highlight the regions that best support brands.

About 5 thousand brands from all regions of the country became participants in the first season of the competition, Tatarstan entered the top ten regions in terms of the number of applications. 

More than 30 Russian companies became the winners of the competition, and more than 1,200 received support. More than 40 partners of the competition, including the Roscongress Foundation, Wildberries, OZON, ANO Dialog, FCC, Russian Post, Roskachestvo, ANO National Priorities, support the finalists in promoting products in retail chains and marketplaces, in new media and on TV. In addition, the brand database – about 1,250 companies from among the participants – was directly sent to retail chains and marketplaces.


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