The Export Support Center of the Republic of Tatarstan will hold a seminar for agricultural entrepreneurs

6 December 2023, Wednesday

The Export Support Center of the Regional Entrepreneurship Support Fund subordinate to the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan invites agro-industrial enterprises to participate in an online seminar on the work and possibilities of demonstration and tasting pavilions for export-oriented businesses.

The main purpose of the pavilions is to create conditions for effective business communication with potential consumers of products and effective marketing promotion, focusing on the established infrastructure of the presence of Russian manufacturers abroad. 

They will tell you about the work of the demonstration and tasting pavilions:

- Cherkesova Malika – expert on international adaptation of export goods of JSC "Russian Export Center";

- Ksenia Burtseva – the project manager for the administration of subsidies of JSC Russian Export Center.

At the seminar, students will also learn about the Made in Russia program: its advantages and opportunities, certification and promotion.

Registration for the event is available on the SME.RF Digital Platform until December 7 in the section "Regional support measures", and then you need to select the service "Registration for participation in seminars for exporters".

For registration and participation, please contact Natalia Shireeva by phone: +7 (843) 222-90-60 (ext. 279).

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